Now that the Bengals season is over, it's time to focus on the Vikings. I got this same outfit for the Bengals so I don't think that Theresa will let me get this one. All I know is that next year I'm getting him his first Adrian Peterson jersey.
P.S. Our son will be born in 3 weeks and we still don't have a name picked out. Vote this week and help name our son.
holy monkey, you're alive!
i like sam or luke. i also like the vikings outfit, i might be joining you on the bandwagon.
Ian... Seahawks! Not Vikings.
The Gooch, what is your PS3 online name? I just signed up as DJ_Hotlunch and let Simon beat me at Madden last knight! We need to start an online league pronto! Of course after we convince Brian to buy Madden and join.
i like the hawks, but games are more fun when you can watch them with some one else/talk about them with someone else. watching the hawks by myself is lame. brad did you get your 10 year reunion invite??
no invite for me... The Gooch, did you get an invite? You graduated from N-Dub.
they probably sent it to your old address in the farms. my parents got my invite and gave it to me. i can give you the info if want to order your tickets.
I just assumed all this time that the baby's name would be Ferris.
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